Commercial Property Consulting
Benefit from our skills, knowledge and networks
In close cooperation with our clients we are determined to acjieve the best.
Maximilian Solms Owner
Language English, working knowledge
Born in 1962 |
+49 341 3585555 +49 341 3585556
Dölitzer Str. 12/Westphalsches Haus D-04416 Leipzig-Markkleeberg&, Germany |
Over 30 years of experience in the commercial property business, starting a traineeship in 1987 at Blumener Immobilen, Frankfurt.
Afterwards he worked as a consultant for GCI Gesellschaft für Consulting und Implementierung in Munich. As a consultant for managing synergies he spezialized in the area of restructuring production outlets, analysing and optimizing production processes, cost reduction, benchmarking and outsourcing.
After the German unification, he moved to Leipzig where he founded GRAF SOLMS INVESTVERMITTLUNG in March 1990. Right from the beginning the core business of his company was to be found in the property management and the privatization of properties. In the years following unification he concentrated on the distribution of properties and consulting. Ever since this time his focus is on the revitilization of commercial properties.
A turnaround came in 2013 when he restructured the company and the focus of the business. The comany is now called SOLMS CONSULTING Commercial Property Consulting.
Dr. Franz Pacher-Theinburg Senior Consultant
Sprachen Englisch, Italienisch, Französisch Jahrgang: 1944 |
+49 341 3585555 +49 341 3585556
Weissdornstraße 11 80995 München, Germany |
Mit über 40 Jähriger Berufserfahrung in der Metall-/Elektro- und Computerindustrie. Auszug bisheriger Aktivitäten:
Consultant for: production logistics, distribution planning, corporate process management, logistics management, planning, auditing, organizational structuring, cost effectiveness, mergers and acquisitions.
Management and Leadership: management of structural and organizational units, logistics and distribution, procurement, production, research and development. Managing director of SMEs.
Logistics, production planning
Organisational planning,
Research and development
Competence, reliability and trustworthiness are our key priorities. Benefit from our network of successful partners.
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