Commercial Property Consulting
Commercial Property Consulting
Menckestrasse 56
D-04155 Leipzig
+49 341 3585555 (Phone)
+49 341 3585556 (Fax)
This website is owned and controlled by Maximilian Solms trading as SOLMS CONSULTING. If you use this website you agree to the terms and conditions set out below. SOLMS CONSULTING is responsible under § 55 Abs. 2 RStV.
SOLMS CONSULTING is registered at regulatory office of the city of Leipzig, Prager Strasse 136, 04317 Leipzig, Germany.
Solms Consulting herewith explicitly declares that no illegal content was discernible on the linked websites when the link was set. Solms Consulting does not have any influence on the current and future layout, content or authorship of the linked websites. This is the reason why it herewith explicitly distances itself from any content in any links set on its own homepage that may have been changed after setting the link. The party offering the homepage that it is linked to shall be solely liable for illegal, erroneous or incomplete content and in particular for damage arising from using or not using information offered in this fashion, not the party who only refers to the publication via links.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank the following people for their technical and editorial support:
Xiaoming Hu (Design, code)
Manuela Kaliske (Grafic layout, design)
Bernd Stein (Coding, data base, SEO-optimization)
Thomas Rink (Translation German-English)